GDUFA Research Outcomes
PBPK Models
This section contains scientific publications, presentations, and posters arising from GDUFA-funded research relevant to physiologically-based pharmacokinetics (PBPK) computational modeling to support generic product development and assessment.
Predicting Diclofenac Systemic and Synovial Fluid Concentrations after Dermal Application using the Multi-Phase Multi-Layer MechDermA PBPK model
Polak, Sebastian; Patel, Nikunjkumar; Martins, Frederico; Salem, Farzaneh; Jamei, Masoud; Rostami-Hodjegan, Amin
Towards Mechanistic Simulation And Prediction Of Bioequivalence Studies Of Topical Formulations Case Study With Two Diclofenac Formulations
Polak, Sebastian; Patel, Nikunjkumar; Cristea, Sinziana; Rose, Rachel; Salem, Farzaneh; Abduljalil, Khaled; Johnson, Trevor; Raney, Sameersingh; Zhang, Xinyuan; Lin, Hopi; Newman, Bryan; Chow, Edwin; Ghosh, Priyanka; Fan, Jianghong; Fang, Lanyan; Jamei, M
Qualitative Analysis of Generic and Reference LAI Drug PK Profiles Using Multivariate Score Space
Paul, Prokash; Handelman, Garry; Kim, Jaeyeon; Yoon, Seongkyu
Population Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic (PKPD) Modeling for Long Acting Injectable(LAI) Products and Statistical Analysis for Bioequivalence(BE) Assessment
Paul, Prokash; Yoon, Seongkyu; Kim, Namjoon; Trunfio, Nicholas; Handelman, Garry; Kim, Jaeyeon
Integration of Physicochemical Product Characteristics within a Mechanistic Dermal PBPK Model to Support Virtual Bioequivalence Evaluation of Topical Drug Products: A Case Study with Acyclovir Topical Creams
Martins, Frederico; Patel, Nikunjkumar; Salem, Farzaneh; Jamei, Masoud; Polak, Sebastian
Towards Development And Validation Of The Dermal Pbpk Model For Virtual Bioequivalence -Model Description And Validation Case Studies
Patel, Nikunjkumar; Cristea, Sinziana; Polak, Sebastian
Mechanistic Modelling Of Dermal Drug Absorption Using The Simcyp Multi-Phase Multi-Layer Mechderma Model: Case Study Of A Transdermal Patch Formulation Of Weak Base Drug Timolol
Patel, Nikunjkumar; Cristea, Sinziana; Rose, Rachel; Salem, Farzaneh; Abduljalil, Khaled; Johnson, Trevor; Jamei, Masoud; Raney, Sameersingh; Zhang, Xinyuan; Lin, Hopi; Newman, Bryan; Chow, Edwin; Ghosh, Priyanka; Fan, Jianghong; Fang, Lanyan; Polak, Se
Modelling and Simulation of Corneocyte Swelling: A Theoretical Contribution on the Barrier Properties of the Skin
Nagel, Arne; Scherer, Martin; Wittum, Gabriel
Simulation of in vitro Dissolution and Degradation of Orntide-loaded PLGA Microspheres
Mullin, James; Van Osdol, William; Lukacova, Viera; Woltosz, Walter; Bolger, Michael
Development Of An In Vitro Mechanistic Model That Describes Drug Release From Risperidone Long-Acting Injectable Microspheres
Mullin, James; Lukacova, Viera; Woltosz, Walter; Bolger, Michael