GDUFA Research Outcomes
PBPK Models
This section contains scientific publications, presentations, and posters arising from GDUFA-funded research relevant to physiologically-based pharmacokinetics (PBPK) computational modeling to support generic product development and assessment.
Building Mechanistic IVIVC
Lukacova, Viera
Modeling Complex Particle Interactions in Dry Powder Inhaler
Liu, Xiaoyu; Sulaiman, Mostafa; Kolehmainen, Jari; Ozel, Ali; Sundaresan, Sankaran
Critical Roles for Locally Acting PBPK in Regulatory Decisions
Lionberger, Robert
CFD Lung Models for Drug Delivery
Lin, Ching-Long
Considerations for Waiver Requests for pH Adjusters in Generic Drug Products Intended for Parenteral, Ophthalmic, or Otic Use – Guidance Implementation in Q1/Q2 Assessment
Li, Xinran
IVPT Data Challenges in the Real World
Lehman, Paul
Diffusion Cell Apparatus: Considerations for Design and Use II
Lee, Luke
Ophthalmic Drug Products: Leveraging M&S Approaches to Perform Inter-Species Predictions and Support Drug Product Development and Approval
Le Merdy, Maxime
A Microdialysis Approach to Assess Dermal Pharmacokinetics of Topical Dermatological Drug Product
Kuzma, Benjamin; Senemar, Sharareh; Stagni, Grazia
Case Study: Predicting Regional Lung Deposition of Pharmaceutical Aerosols with CFD
Longest, Worth; Dutta, Rabijit