GDUFA Research Outcomes
PBPK Models
This section contains scientific publications, presentations, and posters arising from GDUFA-funded research relevant to physiologically-based pharmacokinetics (PBPK) computational modeling to support generic product development and assessment.
Development of Methods for Evaluation of Formulation Differences and their Impact on Therapeutic Equivalence: Broadening the Therapeutic Scope
Mohammed, Yousuf
Modeling to Support Regulatory Needs of OIDPs
Mohamed, Raja
Model-based Statistical Approaches for Pharmacokinetic Bioequivalence Studies with Sparse Sampling and Extension to Two-stage Designs
Mentre, France; Loingeville, Florence; Rakez, Manel; Nguyen, Thu Thuy; Bertrant, Julie; Mollenhoff, Kathrin; Dette, Holger; Sharan, Satish; Sun, Guoying; Grosser, Stella; Zhao, Liang; Fang, Lanyan
USP General Chapter Revision Process
Marques, Margareth
FDA Responses to Questions on Q1/Q2 Sameness
Mannion, Melissa
Requirements and Recommendations Related to Inactive Ingredients
Mannion, Melissa
Considerations for IVPT Data and Information Submitted in ANDAs
Manerikar, Archana
Specificity and Discriminatory Challenges Leading to Limitation in Accurate Complete Identification and Quantification of Excipients in RLS Deformulation
Mallick, Babita
The In Vitro Permeation Test (IVPT): Historical Perspective, Current Context, and Future Directions
Maibach, Howard
Considerations for IVRT Data and Information Submitted in ANDAs
Ma, Tien