GDUFA Research Outcomes
PBPK Models
This section contains scientific publications, presentations, and posters arising from GDUFA-funded research relevant to physiologically-based pharmacokinetics (PBPK) computational modeling to support generic product development and assessment.
Skin in the Game: Mechanistic Modeling of Dermal Drug Absorption
Patel, Nikunkkumar
Development And Validation Of Dermal Pbpk Model Towards Virtual Bioequivalence Assessment
Patel, Nikunkkumar
Pbpk Modelling of Dermal Drug Absorption and Population Variability Simcyp Mpml Mechderma Model
Patel, Nikunj; Martins, Frederico; Cristea, Sinziana; Salem, Farzaneh; Abduljalil, Khaled; Jamei, Masoud; Polak, Sebastian
Mechanistic Modelling of Dermal Drug Absorption Using Simcyp Mpml Mechderma Model Rationale behind Model Development, Its Shape And Performance
Patel, Nikunj; Cristea, Sinziana; Salem, Farzaneh; Jamei, Masoud; Polak, Sebastian
IVPT Method Development, Validation, and Transfer
Patel, Hiren
Diffusion Cell Apparatus: Considerations for Design and Use I
Patel, Ashvin
Bioequivalence Considerations for In Vitro Release Test Methods of Ophthalmic Products
Park, Eunjung
Verifying the Hygroscopic Particle Growth Model during the Time Relevant to Lung Inspiration
O’Shaughnessy, Patrick; Altmaier, Ralph; Walenga, Ross; Lin, Ching-Long
Validation of Computational Predictions of Regional Lung Deposition
Olsson, Bo
Influence of Progressive Change in the Degree of Saturation of API on the Performance of Topical Products
Murthy, S Narasimha