GDUFA Research Outcomes
Other Generics Research
This section contains scientific publications, presentations, and posters arising from GDUFA-funded research relevant to other research relevant to generic products.
Utilizing Viscous Media to Assess Food-Induced Viscosity Effects on Immediate Release Tablet Disintegration and Drug Dissolution
Lex, Timothy; Rodriguez, Jason; Zhang, Lei; Jiang, Wenlei; Gao, Zongming
A Review of Recent Progress in GDUFA Research Program on PLGA-Based Drug Products: Three Case Studies
Jog, Rajan; Qin, Bin; Zou, Yuan; Kozak, Darby; Wang, Yan
Physiological-based Absorption Modeling and Simulation of Bioequivalence Between Pelleted, Modified-release Capsule Products Differing in the Mechanism of Release From the Rate-controlling Polymer
Zhang, X