GDUFA Research Outcomes
OA Models
This section contains scientific publications, presentations, and posters arising from GDUFA-funded research relevant to computational modeling of absorption for orally administered drugs to support generic product development and assessment.
Nonregulatory Perspective: What Can Be a Model Master File and How to Share It?
Rostami-Hodjegan, Amin
Improving Model Reusability via the Concept of Model Master File: What the Literature Data Tell Us
Rostami, Amin
Predicting the Power of Food: Assessing Confidence in PBPK Modeling of Food Effect
Riedmaier, Arian Emami
IVPT Data Analysis and Statistics
Rantou, Eleni
A Research Strategy to Develop Efficient BE Approaches for Complex Generic Topical Products
Raney, Sam
Cutaneous Pharmacokinetics-Based Techniques: Translating Scientific Advances to Regulatory Methods
Ramezanli, Tannaz
QMS: Industry Perspectives
Powell, Kendall
Modeling and Simulation Approaches of Topically Applied Drugs to Support Formulation Optimization, Clinical Development and Regulatory Assessment – Case Studies Discussion
Polak, Sebastian
Pathways for Receiving FDA’s Feedback on Formulations
Phung, Truog-Vinh
Challenges and Opportunities in the Development of IVRT and IVIVC of Complex Injectable Formulations
Pepin, Xavier