GDUFA Research Outcomes
OA Models
This section contains scientific publications, presentations, and posters arising from GDUFA-funded research relevant to computational modeling of absorption for orally administered drugs to support generic product development and assessment.
Model-Integrated BE Approaches for Long-Acting Injectables
Ducharme, Murray
Model Integrated Equivalence for BE Assessment of Long Acting Injectables: In Silico Continuation to Steady State
Ducharme, Murray
Development Strategies for Generic Topical Products with Formulation Differences to Reference Listed Drug
Dubey, Vaibhav
PBPK Absorption Modeling and Virtual Bioequivalence to Support Generic Drug Development and Regulatory Decision Making for Oral Products
Wu, Fang
Integrating Biopharmaceutic Data and Gastrointestinal Physiology Using Mechanistic Modeling
Cristofoletti, Rodrigo
ASME V&V 40 for Establishing Credibility of CFD Models
Craven, Brent
Opening Remarks to the FDA and the Center for Research on Complex Generics (CRCG) Workshop: Regulatory Utility of Mechanistic Modeling to Support Alternative Bioequivalence Approaches
Corrigan-Curay, Jacqueline
Utilizing Mechanistic Dermal Absorption Models to Assess Virtual BE
Clarke, James
A Population PK Based Model-Integrated BE Platform
Chen, X; Nyberg, H; Assawasuwannakit, P; Ryeznik, Y; Karlsson, M
Current Scientific Considerations in Modeling for In Vitro BE of Topically Administered Ophthalmics
Chandran, Sajeev