GDUFA Research Outcomes
OA Models
This section contains scientific publications, presentations, and posters arising from GDUFA-funded research relevant to computational modeling of absorption for orally administered drugs to support generic product development and assessment.
Inactive Ingredient Database (IID) Overview
Zuk, Susan
Modeling and Simulation to Support Appropriate Use of Long-Acting Antipsychotics
Zhu, Hao
Symposium 18: Partial Area Under the Curve Analysis in Generic & New Drug Development
Gallicano, Keith
Regulatory Perspective: Challenges and Opportunities to Enhance Model Sharing upon Regulatory Use
Babiskin, Andrew
Quantitative Methods and Modeling to Evaluate Alternative Approaches for COVID-19 Interrupted Bioequivalence Studies
Zhao, Liang
Quantitative Methods and Modeling to Support GDUFA Regulatory Science Research Program
Zhao, Liang
FEV1 Based Bioequivalence Study for Inhaled Corticosteroids
Zhao, Liang
Use of Modeling and Simulation to Support New BE Approaches
Zhao, Liang
Impact of Excipients on Drug Permeation to Support Biowaivers for Non-Q1/Q2 Products
Bode, Chris
Intestinal Influx Transporters: A Missing Piece in the Puzzle?
Zhang, Lei