GDUFA Research Outcomes
MR Oral Products
This section contains scientific publications, presentations, and posters arising from GDUFA-funded research relevant to modified release generic drug products.
FEV1 Based Bioequivalence Study for Inhaled Corticosteroids
Zhao, Liang
Use of Modeling and Simulation to Support New BE Approaches
Zhao, Liang
Impact of Excipients on Drug Permeation to Support Biowaivers for Non-Q1/Q2 Products
Bode, Chris
Intestinal Influx Transporters: A Missing Piece in the Puzzle?
Zhang, Lei
Bioequivalence Approaches for Long-Acting Drug Products: Regulatory and Scientific Considerations
Wang, Yan
Reverse Translational Assessment of CYP450- and OATP-Mediated Clearance in Chronic Kidney Disease: from Clinical Data to PBPK Modeling
Tan, Ming-Liang
Establishing Bioequivalence for Generic Oral Modified-Release Products: Regulatory Considerations and Utility of In Vivo Predictive Dissolution
Modeling for Success: A Case Example for Oseltamivir Phosphate
Mousa, Youssef
Generic Versions of Narrow Therapeutic Index Drugs National Survey of Pharmacists’ Substitution Beliefs and Practices
Jiang, Wenlei
In Vivo Relevance of Dissolution
Jiang, Wenlei