GDUFA Research Outcomes
Human Subject Safety
This section contains scientific publications, presentations, and posters arising from GDUFA-funded research relevant to the safety of human subjects in bioequivalence studies for generic products.
Mechanistic Oral Absorption Modeling and Simulation for Formulation Development and Bioequivalence Evaluation: Report of an FDA Public Workshop
Zhang, Xinyuan; Duan, John; Kesisoglou, Filippos; Novakovic, Jasmina; Amidon, Gordon; Jamei, Masoud; Lukacova, Viera; Eissing, Thomas; Tsakalozou, Eleftheria; Zhao, Liang; Lionberger, Robert
Quantitative Methods and Modeling to Evaluate Alternative Approaches for COVID-19 Interrupted Bioequivalence Studies
Zhao, Liang
FEV1 Based Bioequivalence Study for Inhaled Corticosteroids
Zhao, Liang
Use of Modeling and Simulation to Support New BE Approaches
Zhao, Liang
Intestinal Influx Transporters: A Missing Piece in the Puzzle?
Zhang, Lei
Regulatory and Scientific Considerations on Characterizations of Complex Polymeric Excipients
Wang, Yan
Bioequivalence Approaches for Long-Acting Drug Products: Regulatory and Scientific Considerations
Wang, Yan
Reverse Translational Assessment of CYP450- and OATP-Mediated Clearance in Chronic Kidney Disease: from Clinical Data to PBPK Modeling
Tan, Ming-Liang
Generic Versions of Narrow Therapeutic Index Drugs National Survey of Pharmacists’ Substitution Beliefs and Practices
Jiang, Wenlei
In Vivo Relevance of Dissolution
Jiang, Wenlei