GDUFA Research Outcomes
BE Methods and Analyses
This section contains scientific publications, presentations, and posters arising from GDUFA-funded research relevant to bioequivalence methods and analyses for generic drug products.
Interactions of Oral Molecular Excipients with Breast Cancer Resistance Protein, BCRP
Zou, Ling; Pottel, Joshua; Khuri, Natalia; Ngo, Huy; Warren, Mark; Huang, Yong; Schoichet, Brian; Giacomini, Kathleen
Bacterial Metabolism Rescues the Inhibition of Intestinal Drug Absorption by Food and Drug Addictives
Zou, Ling; Spanogiannopoulos, Peter; Chien, Huan-Chieh; Pieper, Lindsey; Cai, Wenlong; Khuri, Natalia; Pottel, Joshua; Vora, Bianca; Ni, Zhanglin; Tsakalozou, Eleftheria; Zhang, Wenjun; Shoichet, Brian; Turnbaugh, Peter; Giacomini, Kathleen
Interactions of Azo Dyes Commonly used in Oral Drug Products with the Organic Anion Transporting Peptide 2B1 and Human Gut Bacteria
Zou, Ling; Spanogiannopoulos, Peter; Ni, Zhanglin; Tsakalozou, Eleftheria; Zhang, Lei; Turnbaugh, Peter; Giacomini, Kathleen
Excipients Inhibit Human Organic Anion Transporting Peptide 2B1 (OATP2B1)-Mediated Intestinal Uptake of Levothyroxine
Zou, Ling; Zhang, Xinyuan; Ni, Zhanglin; Tsakalozou, Eleftheria; Giacomini, Kathleen
Modeling Dynamic Gastrointestinal Fluid Transit As A Basis For Dissolution And Absorption
Yu, Alex; Jackson, Trachette; Amidon, Gordon; Marciani, Luca; Sun, Duxin
Impact of Excipients on BCS Class 3 Oral Drug Absorption.
Vaithianathan, Soundarya; Zhang, Xinyuan; Jiang, Wenlei; Polli, James
The Incorporation of Absorptive Phase into the In Vivo Predictive Dissolution (Ipd) System to Predict Better In Vivo Dissolution for Ketoconazole and Raloxifene
Tsume, Yasuhiro; Igawa, Naoto; Drelich, Adam; Amidon, Gordon
The Development of In Vivo Predictive Dissolution (Ipd) System, Mini-Gastrointestinal Simulator (Mgis), for Bcs Class Iib Drug. The Case Study of Anticancer Drug; Dasatinib.
Amidon, Gordon
Solubility and Dissolution of Binary Co-Amorphous Ritonavir-Lopinavir Solid Dispersions
Taylor, Lynne
Dissolution Behavior and Solubility of Marketed Amorphous Solid Dispersions of Tacrolimus
Taylor, Lynne