Assessing Central and Peripheral Pulmonary Deposition of Three Fluticasone Propionate Dry Powder Inhaler Formulations with Different Aerodynamic Particle Size Distributions in Healthy Subjects via Population Pharmacokinetics Modeling

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Author/sDrescher, Stefanie; Chen, Mongjen; Urumaddali, Abhinav; Schilling, Uta; Jiao, Yuanyuan; Shao, Jie; Seay, Brandon; Baumstein, Sandra; Abu-Hasan, Mutasim; Winner, Lawrence; Tabulov, Christine; Shur, Jag; Price, Robert; Hindle, Michael; Wei, Xiangyin; Bulitta, J; Hochhaus, G
Meeting Name:Drug Delivery to the Lungs
State:United Kingdom