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DDCP 101 – Identifying, Developing, and Evaluating Generic Drug Device Combination Products (DDCP)

Date: May 10, 2023 , 8:30 am 6:00 pm

Co-hosts: FDA and the Center for Research on Complex Generics (CRCG)

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Complex generic drug-device combination products are typically difficult to develop, which means that many of these products face less competition than non-complex products, and therefore can be more expensive and less accessible to the patients who need them. FDA and the Center for Research on Complex Generics (CRCG) are offering a training, Drug-Device Combination Products 101:  Identifying, Developing, and Evaluating Drug-Device Combination Products, to support the efficient development of complex generic drug-device combination products and to discuss ways to enhance the quality of ANDA submissions for these products.  

The purpose of this training is to describe FDA’s regulatory expectations and practices for pre-ANDA assessment and ANDA review of generic drug-device combination products, especially those with complex device constituent parts. For these products, ANDAs should include comparative analyses between the device user interfaces of the proposed generic product and its reference listed drug (RLD) as well as data supporting the quality and performance of the overall product. As the complexity of drug-device combination products increases, challenges with product development and demonstration of substitutability may also increase. 

Hybrid Experience

The training will offer both in-person and remote attendance options first four sessions. The training will be held at the Universities at Shady Grove in Rockville, Maryland.  

The training will also include an interactive fifth session for in-person attendees only that will allow participants to apply the learnings from the first four sessions to a mock generic drug-device combination product development process. The fifth session will offer opportunities to handle and manipulate a variety of relevant devices. 

During the training, FDA, CRCG, and generic drug industry experts will share information about:  

  • combination product classification  
  • challenges with device development and comparative user interface assessment  
  • methods for evaluating whether differences in the user interface may increase risks for user errors compared to the RLD when generic substitution occurs, and 
  • demonstration of product quality and performance  

FDA and the Center for Research on Complex Generics—which is a collaboration between the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy and the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy—are dedicated to advancing programs that stimulate scientific dialogue, disseminate current insights about complex generics, and generate new knowledge in support of FDA’s mission to promote and protect the public health by increasing access to safe and effective generic medicines. 

Learning Objectives

  • Define drug-device combination products and discuss the drug-device combination product classification process 
  • Discuss how human factors should inform user interface development 
  • Identify generic drug industry challenges and obstacles that impact various aspects of complex generic drug-device combination product development and management across the product lifecycle. 
  • Review best practices for comparative analyses between the device user interfaces for a proposed generic combination product and its RLD 
  • Discuss when comparative analyses may be sufficient to justify user interface differences between a proposed generic and RLD and when additional data and/or information may be needed. 
  • Review best practices for comparative use human factor study design, execution, and reporting and discuss FDA research on other types of studies that could provide data to support user interface differences. 
  • Discuss GDUFA-funded research efforts to address scientific challenges and gaps that hinder development and assessment of complex generic drug-device combination products 
  • Discuss product quality and performance considerations for complex generic drug-device combination products such as prefilled injection pens, transdermal systems, intravaginal systems, implants, and intrauterine systems.   
  • Discuss pre-ANDA interactions with FDA and how to leverage these opportunities to enhance ANDA submission quality for complex generic drug-device combination products 


This training is primarily suggested for the generic drug industry and other involved collaborators, including consultants and contract research organizations that support generic drug applications.

Introduction to the Training

A speaker from the Office of Generic Drugs will introduce the training and its sessions in the context of facilitating the development of generic complex drug-device combination products.  The speaker will review learning objectives, session topics, and training formats. 

  • Presentations by experts from FDA and CRCG

Session 1: How to Identify Products That Are Drug-Device Combination Products: a CDER Product Jurisdiction and Office of Combination Products Perspective

This session will provide an overview of the regulatory framework that defines combination products that include drug and device constituent parts. Other topics will include exploring the differences between single entity, co-packaged, and cross-labeled drug-device combination products.

  • Presentations by experts from FDA and the generic drug industry

Session 2: Drug-Device Combination Products and Comparative Analyses:  Best Practices Prior to and For ANDA Submission 

This session will discuss the iterative role of human factors and risk assessment in device development or selection, and the use of comparative analyses to evaluate user interface differences between a proposed generic combination product and its RLD.  

  • Presentations by experts from FDA and the generic drug industry  

Session 3: “Other Design Differences”: Justifying Differences in User Interface That May Impact An External Critical Design Attribute 

During comparative analyses for a proposed drug-device combination product, a generic drug manufacturer identifies user interface differences that may affect one or more critical user tasks.  What are the roles of device redesign and additional information or data, such as those from comparative use human factors studies? How will OGD-funded research contribute to identifying other types of information or data that could support certain types of user interface differences? 

  • Presentations by experts from FDA and the generic drug industry 

Session 4: Drug-Device Combination and Design Differences Related to Quality and Performance 

This session will discuss scientific and regulatory considerations, challenges, and best practices related to the quality and performance of generic drug-device combination products and product design differences. 

  • Presentations by experts from FDA and the generic drug industry 

Session 5: A Drug-Device Combination Product Development Simulation (an Enhanced Learning Experience for In-Person Attendees Only) 

This highly interactive in-person experience will simulate the process of developing a drug-device combination product.  

In-person attendees will join industry representatives and FDA staff in exercises simulating the development of a mock complex generic drug-device combination product. During this experience, in-person attendees will:  

  • Actively participate in identifying development challenges and working through solutions.   
  • Explore human factors considerations during device development or selection.   
  • Take advantage of the opportunity to handle and manipulate approved and cleared devices with different design features.   
  • Decide when and how to use available pre-ANDA submission processes and how to respond to FDA feedback efficiently and effectively.   
  • Consider how the preparation for this mock ANDA submission and review process can inform future ANDA submissions for complex generic drug-device combination products.   

Headshot of Tzach BacharDirector, Regulatory Affairs, Padagis Israel Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Tzach Bachar is Director of Regulatory Affairs at Padagis Israel Pharmaceuticals Ltd. He has more than 18 years’ experience in regulatory affairs, specializing in NDA and ANDA submissions, including complex generics and drug-device combination products. In his current role, Tzach is the head of regulatory affairs of the company’s site in Israel and is responsible for all regulatory activities to support development of new drug products, submissions to the FDA, and the life cycle management of commercial drug products to ensure supply chain is maintained. Tzach holds a M.S. degree in Biotechnology Engineering from Ben Gurion University in Israel.

Medical Officer on Team D, DTP-I, ORS, OGD, CDER, FDA

Dr. Betsy Ballard is a Medical Officer on the Device Team in the Division of Therapeutic Performance in the FDA’s Office of Generic Drugs responsible for reviewing complex combination products in the pre ANDA space. Dr. Ballard is a board-certified general surgeon with more than twenty years of clinical practice experience and more than ten years’ experience in regulatory science including time in the FDA’s Center for Radiologic Health and CDER’s Office of New Drugs and Generic Drugs.

Headshot of Lisa BercuRegulatory Council, DPD, OGDP, OGD, CDER, FDA

Lisa Bercu is a regulatory counsel in the Office of Generic Drug Policy, Office of Generic Drugs (OGD), where she focuses on issues related to combination products. Before joining OGD in October 2016, Ms. Bercu worked at a medical society providing strategic advice on issues including pain medicine, drugs, and devices. She holds a JD degree from Georgetown University Law Center and a BA from the University of Michigan.

Headshot of Robert Berendt


Dr. Robert Berendt is a Branch Chief in the Office of Lifecycle Drug Products (OLDP), Division of Immediate and Modified Release Products III, Branch 7, which is responsible for pre-market drug product quality assessment of generic versions of solid immediate-release and modified-release products. Dr. Berendt and his branch members serve as subject matter experts with respect to quality assessment of generic transdermal and topical delivery systems (TDS), vaginal systems, intrauterine systems, and subcutaneous implants. Prior to joining OLDP as quality assessor, Dr. Berendt was a laboratory chemist for three years in the FDA’s Office of Testing and Research, supporting regulatory review and policy activities. He earned his Doctorate in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from the University of Kansas, where he focused on solid-state characterization of pharmaceutically relevant systems using solid-state NMR spectroscopy.

Headshot of Ashley B. Boam

Director, OPPQ, OPQ, CDER, FDA

Ashley Boam currently serves as Director of the Office of Policy for Pharmaceutical Quality (OPPQ) in the Office of Pharmaceutical Quality (OPQ) in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER). OPPQ is responsible for developing and clearly communicating science- and risk-based policies and standards related to drug product quality, including application assessment and inspection. OPPQ also coordinates OPQ’s work with international regulatory authorities on quality issues, leads CDER’s compendia} operations, coordinates CDER’s involvement in quality standard-setting organizations, and addresses policy issues related to drug-device combination products.

Prior to joining CDER in 2013, Ashley spent nearly 20 years in the Office of Device Evaluation (ODE) in FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH), serving as a scientific reviewer, a Branch Chief in the Division of Cardiology Devices, and finally as Associate Director for Regulations and Guidance for ODE. Ashley received her MSBE from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and her BSE from Tulane University, both in Biomedical Engineering.

Headshot of Irene Z. Chan

Deputy Director, OMEPRM, OSE, FDA

Captain Irene Z. Chan received a B.S. in Pharmacy and Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Rutgers University Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy. Upon graduation from pharmacy school, she was called to active duty by the U.S. Public Health Service and completed a PGYl accredited pharmacy practice residency. After completing her residency, she worked with the Indian Health Service (IHS) for over five years in both Gallup, NM and Santa Fe, NM, in both inpatient and outpatient pharmacy settings. During her time with IHS, her responsibilities included chairing a multidisciplinary medication safety task force, serving as Supervisor of Inpatient Pharmacy Services, and serving as the pharmacy Residency Program Director.

In 2009, CAPT Chan transferred to the FDA where she currently serves as Deputy Director in the Office of Medication Error Prevention and Risk Management (OMEPRM). In this role, CAPT Chan is responsible for managing, planning, and providing guidance for the pre-market and post-market operations, programs, functions, and activities of four Divisions in FDA that focus on minimizing use error related to the naming, labeling, packaging, or design of drug products and developing effective and efficient Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies (REMS) for certain drug products that ensure the benefits outweigh its risks.

Headshot of Somesh Chattopadhyay

Lead Mathematical Statistician, DB-VIII, OB, OTS, CDER, FDA

Dr. Somesh Chattopadhyay received his Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of Virginia. He was a faculty member at Duke University and at Florida State University before joining FDA as a mathematical statistician in the Office of Biostatistics in CDER where he has supported review of oncologic products, generic drug products, and biosimilar products. Currently, he is a team leader in the Division of Biometrics VIII that supports the Office of Generic Drugs and partially the Office of New Drugs. For the last four years, he has been leading the team of statisticians that review comparative use human factors studies and generic drug and biosimilar products.

Headshot of Meenal Chavan

Senior Pharmaceutical Quality Assessor, DIMRP-III, OLDP, OPQ, CDER, FDA

Dr. Meenal Chavan is Senior Pharmaceutical Quality Assessor in DIMRP, Branch 7 within OLDP/OPQ/CDER/FDA. Her areas of expertise include complex drug products such as topical and transdermal drug delivery systems, IUDs, implants, and intra-vaginal ring. In her current role, Dr. Chavan performs secondary risk­ based review assessment of ANDAs, Pre-ANDAs and DMFs. She works as an Application Technical Lead for IQA team AT-13. Dr. Chavan is a contributor tonTransdermal working group in CDER. Additionally, she works on Developmental Technical Committee of PQRI to promote advancements in drug product development. Dr.ChavanjoinedFDAin2016.Prior to joining FDA, she worked as a Sr. Manager R&D (Transdermal) at Sun Pharma, NJ. Dr. Chavan has 20 plus years of complex drug product development experience. She received her Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from University of Mumbai, India.

Headshot of William Chong

Director, OSCE, OGD, CDER, FDA

Dr. William Chong is the Director of OGD’s Office of Safety and Clinical Evaluation. He leads a multidisciplinary group of scientists that work to ensure that generic drug products have the same safety and efficacy profile as the reference listed drug. Dr. Chong joined FDA in 2012 in CDER’s Office of New Drugs where he primarily evaluated new drug products for patients with diabetes mellitus. He subsequently joined OGD in 2019 as the Associate Director for Clinical Affairs before becoming the Director of OSCE in 2022. He is a board-certified internist and endocrinologist and completed his Internal Medicine residency at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia, PA and his Endocrinology and Metabolism fellowship at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD. Dr. Chong earned his undergraduate degree in Engineering Science at Penn State University, and his Medical Degree from Temple University School of Medicine.

Headshot of Katharine B. Feibus

Team Leader, Device Evaluation Team (Team D), DTP-I, ORS, OGD, CDER, FDA

Dr. Katharine Feibus is an obstetrician/gynecologist who was in clinical practice for nine years before joining the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. During nearly 20 years in civil service, Dr. Feibus has worked as a medical officer and team leader for the Office of New Drugs’ Office of Nonprescription Drug Products and Division of Pediatric and Maternal Health and for the Office of Generic Drugs’ (OGD) Division of Clinical Review, Division of Clinical Safety and Surveillance, and Division of Therapeutic Performance-I (DTP-I). Currently, Dr. Feibus leads the DTP-1 Device Evaluation Team in OGD’s Office of Research and Standards. In addition, Dr. Feibus served as the Deputy Director of Reproductive Health in the Office of Women’s Health Services at the Veterans Health Administration. Outside of work, Dr. Feibus enjoys spending time with family and friends, hiking, Nordic skiing, biking, and snuggling with her three poodles.

Headshot of Andrew Fine

Senior Advisor, DCR, OGD, OSCE, FDA

Commander Andrew Fine is the Senior Advisor in the Office of Generic Drug’s, Office of Safety and Clinical Evaluation, Division of Clinical Review. As part of the division management team, Commander Fine, provides clinical, regulatory, and process oversight for generic drug activities in the division. Prior to his role as Senior Advisor, Commander Fine served as a team leader in the division for 7 years where he led a team of physicians in their clinical work to support the Generic Drug Program. He earned his Pharm.D. from the University of Illinois College of Pharmacy and completed a pharmacy practice residency at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Andrew is board certified in pharmacotherapy and earned a certificate in pharmacoepidemiology from the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to joining the Office of Generic Drugs, Commander Fine spent 4.5 years as a safety reviewer in CDER’s Office of Surveillance and Epidemiology, Division of Pharmacovigilance where he led post marketing safety efforts for Multiple Sclerosis drug products.

Headshot of Jason A. Flint

Associate Director for Human Factors, DMEPA-I, OMEPRM, OSE, CDER, FDA

Jason Flint is the Associate Director for Human Factors with the Division of Medication Error Prevention and Analysis I (DMEPAl) within the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. He is also co-chair for the Office of Medication Error Prevention and Risk Management (OMEPRM) Research Workgroup and is the FDA scientific lead for research on training decay designed to inform the Agency’s recommendations on human factors validation protocols.

Prior to joining the DMEPA team, Jason spent 13 years supporting the Air Force Medical Acquisition community by planning, conducting, and reporting on operational testing activities for the Air Force Medical Evaluation and Support Activity (AFMESA), including two years as their Director of Operations. He spent the previous six years conducting research in virology, immunology, and nanoparticle science at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and the University of Florida. While in college, he also served in the United States Army Reserve as a combat medic and surgical technician.

Jason received his Bachelor of Science in Biology from the State University of New York College at Brockport in 1998, an MBA from the University of Florida in 2005, attended the Human Factors Short Course at the University of Michigan in 2009, and earned a project management professional certification in 2015.

Headshot of Monica Garcia


Dr Monica Garcia is a Biomedical Engineer and Assistant Director of the Obstetrical and Reproductive Health Devices Team (THT-IIIBl) in the Center for Devices and Radiological Health at the FDA. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Bioengineering from Rice University in 2004 and her Ph.D. in Molecular Physiology and Biophysics from Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) in 2013. Monica joined FDA in 2015 and has been an Assistant Director since 2019.

Headshot of Kathryn Hartka

Pharmacologist, DTP-I, ORS, OGD, CDER, FDA

Dr. Kathryn Hartka is a Pharmacologist in the Division of Therapeutic Performance I. Dr. Hartka’s area of work focuses on the user interface assessment of generic drug-device combination products. She is involved in the development of product-specific guidances and responding to controlled correspondences and pre-ANDA meeting requests related to drug-device combination products. In addition to her review work, she is a member of several interdisciplinary working groups, and is engaged in regulatory science research initiatives related to generic drug-device combination products. Dr. Hartka earned her B.S. in Neuroscience from the University of Pittsburgh, her Pharm.D. from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), and her Ph.D. in Pharmacology and Toxicology from VCU. Prior to joining the Office of Generic Drugs, she was a pharmacologist reviewer at the Center for Tobacco Products in the Office of Science.

Headshot of Viral V. Jogani

General Manager (R&D) – FR & D, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited

Dr. Viral Jogani holds an M.Pharm. in Pharmaceutical Technology (Gold Medalist) from L M College of Pharmacy, Ahmedabad, India. He completed his Ph.D. in Pharmacy on “Nasal Drug Delivery for CNS Disorders” from Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara, India. He is responsible for formulation development of drug device combination products at Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited. He is leading formulation development of Peptide based complex drug device combination injectable products, Nasal Sprays, and Biosimilars. He has experience in developing NCE and generic products. He has hands on experience on Peptide Sameness Characterization, Immunogenicity Evaluation, and Population Bioequivalence of In vitro BE studies. He comes with 22+ years of experience in the pharmacy field including approx. 6.5 years of experience in academics and 16 years of experience in pharmaceutical industry.

Headshot of Rakesh Khilwani

Principal Device Development Engineer, Combination Products and Devices R&D, Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc.

Rakesh Khilwani, PhD is a Principal Device Development Engineer within the Combination Products and Device group at Teva Pharmaceuticals. He joined Teva in 2018 and in this role R&D role, Rakesh works on development of drug-device combination products that include prefilled syringes (PFS), autoinjectors, large volume injectors and transdermal patches spanning generics, biosimilar and biologics. Rakesh has a MS and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University where he worked on development of flexible neural probes and microneedle patches.

Headshot of Kristina Lauritsen

Combination Product Policy Advisor, PJO, OGD, CDER, FDA

Dr. Kristina Lauritsen serves as the Combination Product Policy Advisor and Product Jurisdiction Officer (PJO) within the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) at the FDA. In this role, she is responsible for engaging in development of CDER’s policies related to combination product review and regulation. This includes activities such as product designation, guidance development, coordination with the FDA’s Office of Combination Products, Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH), Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), and representing CDER in cross-center combination product working groups. Kristina originally joined FDA in 2003 as a device reviewer in CDRH. She later joined the Office of Combination Products and spent several years there prior to joining CDER in 2014. She holds a B.S. in Biology from Shippensburg University, and a Ph.D. in tumor biology from Georgetown University.

Headshot of Mary Lee

Senior Physician, DCR, OSCE, OGD, CDER, FDA

Dr. Mary Lee is a Senior Physician in Division of Clinical Review in the Office of Generic Drugs. Dr. Lee joined the FDA in 2016, and has been involved with reviews for ANDAs, Bio-INDs, Product Specific Guidance documents, controlled correspondences with the generic industries, and consults with clinical issues in the development of generic drugs. Prior to coming to the FDA, Dr. Lee worked as a Geriatric Medicine physician for the Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group and Inova Fairfax Hospital. Dr. Lee received her Bachelor of Science degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and her medical degree from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. She completed her family medicine training at Abington Hospital, and geriatric medicine fellowship at George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Headshot of Yili Li

Senior Pharmaceutical Quality Assessor, OLDP, OPQ, CDER, FDA

Dr. Yili Li received her B.S. and Ph.D. in Chemistry from Peking University, Beijing, China. She continued her career training as a Marie Curie Fellow of the European Commission in the Biochemistry Department, University of Cambridge, UK and a Post-doctoral Fogarty Visiting Fellow in the National Cancer Institute,  National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD. Before joining FDA, Yili was a Senior Scientist in the University of Maryland Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research (IBBR), Rockville, MD. She had two decades research experiences in the field of structural immunology and published two dozen of first author research papers in the world most prestigious life science journals.

Dr. Yili Li joined FDA in 2016 as a chemistry reviewer. Currently, she serves as a Senior Pharmaceutical Quality Assessor (SPQA) in the Division of Liquid-Based Products I for ANDA and pre­ ANDA applications. She has extensive experiences in the review of complex peptide drug products, parenteral products, and topical products.

Headshot of Michelle Lin

Senior Physician, DCR, OSCE, OGD, CDER, FDA

Dr. Michelle Lin is a trained and board certified in pediatrics and pediatric endocrinology. She joined the FDA in 2015 as a primary reviewer in the Division of Clinical Review. In this role, she routinely conducts comparative analyses assessments as well as other clinical consults and reviews for the generic drug approval process. She has been involved in several working groups for internal process improvement and reviewer training in relation to comparative analyses assessments.

Headshot of Robert Lionberger

Director, ORS, OGD, CDER, FDA

Dr. Robert Lionberger serves as Director of the Office of Research and Standards (ORS) in the Office of Generic Drugs (OGD). Dr. Lionberger leads OGD’s implementation of the GDUFA science and research commitments including internal research activities and external research grants and collaborations to ensure the therapeutic equivalence of generic drug products. ORS also provides pre-submission advice on complex generics through pre-ANDA meetings, product specific guidance and correspondence responses.
He received his undergraduate degree from Stanford University in Chemical Engineering, and a Ph.D. from Princeton University in Chemical Engineering. After his Ph.D., he conducted post-doctoral research in Australia in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne. Prior to joining the FDA 20 years ago, he was an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Michigan.

Headshot of Markham C. Luke

Director, DTP-I, ORS, OGD, CDER, FDA

Dr. Markham C. Luke serves as FDA Supervisory Physician (Dermatology) and Director of the Division of Therapeutic Performance 1 (DTP-I) in the Office of Research and Standards, Office of Generic Drugs at FDA. DTPl is responsible for facilitating pre-application development of generic drugs by conducting and promoting regulatory science research to establish standards to ensure therapeutic equivalence of new generic drug products. Markham has an M.D. and a Ph.D. in Pharmacology from Johns Hopkins University and completed his dermatology residency and fellowship at Washington University, St. Louis, MO and the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. He is an Associate Professor at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD with research interests in dermatopharmacology, clinical pharmacology, clinical study design and endpoints assessment (including patient-reported outcomes) for medical, surgical, and aesthetic products. Markham has been at FDA since 1998 serving various roles, including as the Lead Medical Officer for dermatology drugs, Chief Medical Officer and Deputy Director for the Office of Device Evaluation in the Center for Devices and Radiologic Health, and as Acting Director for Cosmetics in the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.

Headshot of Claire McDiarmid

Senior Director, User Interface, and Risk Management, Global Device Development, Viatris, Inc.

Claire McDiarmid leads the Device Risk Management and Human Factors programs for Combination Products including Complex Generics at Viatris. Claire joined the organization in 2011 and has over 25 years of experience in Drug Product Development with specific focus on drug delivery systems. Claire’s remit includes injectable, respiratory, ophthalmic, and transdermal products and her team delivered the Human Factors programs for Wixela lnhub® – the first generic Dry Powder Inhaler approved by FDA and Semglee® – first biosimilar Prefilled Insulin Pen approved by FDA. Claire holds a Batchelor degree in Chemistry and Environmental Science from the Universities of Kent, UK and Bergen, Norway and a Master’s degree in Environmental Management and Legislation from Brunel University, UK.

Headshot of Jamie L. Michalek

Senior Pharmaceutical Quality Assessor, DLBP-II, OLDP, OPQ, CDER, FDA

Dr. Jamie L. Michalek is a Senior Pharmaceutical Quality Assessor (SPQA) for the Division of Liquid Drug Products II, within the Office of Lifecycle Drug Products (OLDP), under the Office of Pharmaceutical Quality (OPQ). As a SPQA, Dr. Michalek performs secondary drug product quality assessments for Abbreviated New Drug Applications, as well as serves as the application technical lead within her aligned team. Prior to joining the FDA in 2014, Dr. Michalek earned her Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Maryland, School of Pharmacy, under Dr. Sarah L. J. Michel. Dr. Michalek received a B.S. in Biochemistry from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.

Headshot of Ripen Misri

Director, Co-Development, Global R&D, Apotex, Inc.

Dr. Ripen Misri obtained his Ph.D. in pharmaceutical sciences from the University of British Columbia (Canada) and further pursued a post-doctoral fellowship at BC Cancer Research Center. Dr. Misri’s expertise is in development of complex dosage forms such as nanoparticulate and microparticulate drug delivery systems, and peptide therapeutics. Dr. Misri joined Apotex in 2015 and is currently Director of the Co-Development R&D, leading development of complex generic drug, and drug device combination products.

Headshot of P Srinivas Naidu

Sr General Manager (R&D) – Packaging and Medical Devices, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited

P Srinivas Naidu serves as Head of Packaging and Medical Devices in SUN Pharma. He joined the organization over 8 years ago and has well over 27 years of experience in Packaging, Medical Devices, New machinery development and in developing human centric packaging for various dosage forms for global markets. His current focus area is developing Primary Packaging and Medical Devices for complex drugs of all dosage forms.
Srinivas’ work involves an end-to-end support to the Formulation, Regulatory, Business Development, Operations, and Marketing teams. In addition, he has experience previously working with Branded and OTC products. Srinivas holds degree Mechanical Engineering and Plastic Processing and Molding.

Headshot of Mitul Patel

Senior Manager – Regulatory and Business Continuity, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited

Mitul Patel is Regulatory Affairs Specialists in development, submission, and approval of applications for Drug Device and Complex Generic product.
Mitul Patel is accountable for 505(b)2 and 505(i) regulatory submission of complex and drug device combination product for Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited. He is actively involved in product development, regulatory submissions till approval of ANDA/NDAs filed for such products. His current experience includes development of drug-device combination products (DDCP) like pen injector, auto injector, applicator, prefilled syringes (PFS), and ready to use bag (RTU bag). He comes with total 17+ years of experience in regulatory affairs with 10+ years of experience in area of complex and drug device combination product regulatory submissions for US and Europe market. Mitul previously worked with Apotex research private limited, India and Torrent Research Center, India as a regulatory specialist for different dosage forms of generic products.

Mitul is graduated Bachelor of Pharmacy from the National College of Pharmacy, India and holding Post Graduate Degree in Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance from Ganpat University, India.

Headshot of Nitesh Patel

Senior Manager – Regulatory and Business Continuity, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited

Nitesh Patel is a Senior Manager, Regulatory and Business Continuity at Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Inc. In his current role, he provides insights on strategic regulatory considerations, ensuring quality submissions for the generics and 505(b)(2) applications and evaluating the change proposals during life cycle management phase for approved products. His core areas of expertise include critical review of Original Applications, PIND/PNDA Meetings/Briefing Packages for Complex Dosage Forms/Drug-Device Combination Drug Products, Labeling and Regulatory Administrative Requirements for Different Dosage Forms. He has well over 17 years of experience in pharmaceutical regulatory affairs for US market. Nitesh is post graduated in Pharmacy from Gujarat Technological University, India.

Headshot of Satyashodhan Patil

DGM (R&D) – Device Development, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited

Satyashodhan Patil is responsible for drug delivery device development for Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited. He is leading end to end device development from conceptualization to commercialization through development, design verification, design validation studies like stability, clinical bio-compatibility and human factors and also supporting PLM activities including complaint handling and CAPA. He is working for the development of several types of medical devices for several therapeutic uses with drug-device combination products (DDCP) like pen injectors, auto injectors, applicators, prefilled syringes (PFS), ophthalmic devices and inhalers. He is instrumental in implementing the regulatory guidance (USFDA 21 CFR, EMA EU MDR, MHRA, TGA, HC) and ISO standards for medical devices developed for global market by authoring Global Quality Standards for device development and also bringing best practices of Mechanical Design Engineering to Medical field.

He comes with 21+ years of experience in product development including 16+ years of experience in medical device development. He previously worked with Johnson and Johnson Medical as a part of R&D’s Front-End Innovation As-Pac Team for the design and development of orthopedic implants and instrumentations. He also worked with GE Healthcare in JFWTC R&D center as a Senior Design Engineer.

Satyashodhan graduated in Mechanical Engineering from SRT Marathwada University, Nanded, India and also completed certificate course in Medical Device Development from Stanford University’s Center at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. He also received Post Graduate diploma in International Business Operations. He has several patents to his credit.

Headshot of James Polli

Co-Director of CRCG, Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Ralph F. Shangraw/Noxell Endowed Professor in Industrial Pharmacy and Pharmaceutics, University of Maryland

Dr. James E. Polli is Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Ralph F. Shangraw/Noxell Endowed Professor in Industrial Pharmacy and Pharmaceutics at University of Maryland. His research interest is oral drug absorption and formulation, involving laboratory and clinical research. He has served as advisor to 24 Ph.D. graduates. Dr. Polli is co-Director of the recently initiated Center for Research on Complex Generics, an FDA-funded collaborative agreement with the Agency. He is Director of the online M.S. in Regulatory Science program.

Headshot of Anna Schwendeman

Co-Director of CRCG, William I Higuchi Collegiate Professor of Pharmacy, Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Biointerfaces Institute, College of Pharmacy, University of Michigan

Dr. Anna Schwendeman is William I Higuchi Collegiate Professor of Pharmacy and Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Michigan. Her research focus is on optimization high-density lipoprotein (HDL) nanoparticles for treatment of atherosclerosis, sepsis, and drug delivery purposes. In 2016, she co-founded a company EVOQ Therapeutics (www.evoqtherapeutics.com) focused on the use of HDL nanodiscs for delivery of personalized neoantigen cancer vaccines. Dr. Schwendeman received her B.S. from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Ph.D. in Pharmaceutics from The Ohio State University. Prior to starting her academic career in 2012, Dr. Schwendeman spent 12 years in the pharmaceutical industry at Cerenis Therapeutics, Pfizer, and Esperion Therapeutics. She was involved in different products including nanoparticles, liposome, recombinant proteins, peptides, and small molecules. Her laboratory’s research in regulatory sciences is focused on analytical characterization of liposomes, polymer microspheres, peptides, and biosimilar products. She is co-director of FDA sponsored Center for Research in Complex Generics (http://www.complexgenerics.org). Dr. Schwendeman is an Associate Editor for Nanomedicine NBM and Eur. J Pharm and Biopharm.

Headshot of Ed Stanley

Manager, R&D QA Compliance and Combination Products, Apotex, Inc.

Ed Stanley, P.Eng. is the Manager, R&D Quality Assurance, Compliance and Combination Products, for Apotex, Inc. In this role, Ed oversees the compliance of combination product development and life-cycle management for generic pharmaceutical products. Prior to working in QA compliance, Ed gained over 20 years of pharmaceutical packaging development experience which included development of nasal spray, ophthalmic and injectable packaging systems. Ed is a licensed professional Engineer with a BASc degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Toronto.

Headshot of Alan Stevens

Assistant Director of Injection Devices, DHT-III, OHT-III, OPEQ, CDRH, FDA

CAPT Alan Stevens has 20 years of experience at the FDA regulating drug delivery devices. As an assistant division director in CDRH’s Division of Drug Delivery and General Hospital Devices and Human Factors, Alan manages the Injection Devices Team and oversees the product lifecycle of injection devices, including premarket submission review and postmarket safety and compliance. Previously, Alan spent ten years as a premarket engineering reviewer of drug delivery devices in CDRH’s Office of Device Evaluation and three years as a Compliance Officer in CDRH’s Office of Compliance. Alan received his undergraduate Mechanical Engineering degree and Master’s degree in Reliability engineering from the University of Maryland.

Headshot of Ifeanyi U. Uwemedimo

Senior Scientific Reviewer, OCP, OCPP, OC, CDRH, FDA

Dr. Ifeanyi Uwemedimo is a Senior Scientific Reviewer in the Office of Combination Products within the Office of the Commissioner. Dr. Uwemedimo started her career at FDA over ten years ago as a lead reviewer in the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) and subsequently as a policy analyst. Dr. Uwemedimo has been on numerous policy-setting groups within the FDA. She received a Doctorate degree in Biomedical Engineering from Syracuse University and a Bachelor’s in Science degree with a Mechanical Engineering focus from Smith College.

Headshot of John Barlow Weiner

Associate Director for Policy, OC, OCPP, OCPR, FDA

John Barlow Weiner is the Associate Director for Policy in FDA’s Office of Combination Products, which is tasked with ensuring the efficient, effective, and consistent regulation of combination products and the classification of medical products and their assignment to FDA components for regulation.

In addition to overseeing the policy program for OCP, Mr. Weiner’s responsibilities include providing guidance and direction for FDA policy initiatives and precedential regulatory actions concerning combination products and other medical products intended for combined use. His work involves engagement with components throughout FDA, with foreign counterparts, and with standard-setting bodies, as well as outreach to stakeholders and trade associations.

Mr. Weiner was previously an Associate Chief Counsel for FDA, focusing on drug regulation and related innovation and competition issues, and on cross cutting topics such as use of nanotechnology. He has served as FDA’s liaison to the United States Trade Representative and other components of the United States Government on issues relating to pharmaceutical trade and competition, participating in multiple rounds of bilateral and regional trade negotiations as a technical advisor.

Before coming to FDA, Mr. Weiner was in private practice, focusing on food and drug, environmental, and related public international and trade law, with clients in the aviation, biotechnology, industrial chemicals, pesticides, and real estate sectors, among others, in addition to the healthcare and medical products sectors. Mr. Weiner received a BA from Princeton University and a J.D. with honors from the Columbia University School of Law.

Headshot of Kimberly Witzmann

Deputy Director, OSCE, OGD, CDER, FDA

Dr. Kimberly Witzmann is a physician, and the Deputy Director for the Office of Safety and Clinical Evaluation within the Office of Generic Drugs (CDER), at FDA. The Office of Safety and Clinical Evaluation addresses issues related to clinical safety, substitutability, and therapeutic equivalence, throughout the generic product’s lifecycle. As the Deputy Office Director, she is responsible for concentrating on complex, long-range and emerging issues in the area of clinical evaluation of generic drug products in ANDAs, and she serves as the authority on clinical review issues, and complex combination products. She is committed to making safe and effective generic drugs available to the American public. Dr. Witzmann has been with OGD for more than eight years; prior to the reorganization, Dr Witzmann served as the acting Deputy Director in the Office of Bioequivalence (OB), and before that role, she was team leader for the inhalation, nasal, and generic drug-device combination products team, in the Division of Therapeutic Performance (DTP), Office of Research and Standards. During her time in OGD, she has focused on communications with industry for complex drug products. She has spoken at national meetings discussing development for generic orally inhaled and nasal combination drug products, as well as user interface considerations for complex generic combination products; she has been a co author on several medical articles published in peer-reviewed journals. She has been with FDA-CDER for almost 14 years, having spent her first five years in CDER’s Office of New Drugs. Prior to joining FDA in 2009, Dr.Witzmann was an Assistant Professor of pediatrics at Children’s National Medical Center in Washington,DC. She has prior experience working with the pharmaceutical industry as a member of medical advisory boards and has served as a primary investigator on a number of clinical research protocols involving lung diseases.

Headshot of Brandon Wood

Director, Regulatory Affairs, Gx Steriles, Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc.

Brandon Wood, B.S. is a Director, Regulatory Affairs, Gx Steriles, for Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. In this role, Brandon leads a group of regulatory professionals and oversees the filing of applications for generic parenteral products. He specializes in the development of generic applications for complex products such as peptides, iron colloids, long-acting injectables, and drug-device combination products. Brandon has been a regulatory professional for over ten years and prior to joining Teva in 2018 served various regulatory and quality assurance R&D positions for CorePharma and Impax Laboratories working on both sterile and non-sterile products. Before starting his regulatory career, Brandon worked as a chemist for West-Ward Pharmaceuticals supporting raw material and bulk release activities, analytical research projects, data review, and investigative writing. Brandon has a B.S. in Chemistry from Monmouth University (West Long Branch, NJ) with a specific concentration in Organic Chemistry.

Training Recordings

Workshop Slides

Training Outline and Session 1: How to Identify Products That Are Drug-Device Combination Products: a CDER Product Jurisdiction and Office of Combination Products Perspective 

Session 2: Drug-Device Combination Products and Comparative Analyses: Best Practices Prior to and For ANDA Submission 

Session 3: Other Design Differences: Justifying Differences in User Interface That May Impact an External Critical Design Attribute

Session 4: Drug-Device Combination and Design Differences Related to Quality and Performance

If you have any questions about this workshop please contact info@complexgenerics.org.